Sunday, August 11, 2019

Autumn Park Postcard

Hi everyone! Long time no see.

I went to several antique malls yesterday, and of course I had to pick up more vintage postcards. I usually avoid ones that are blank, but the grid pattern drawn on the front of this one caught my eye. I've enhanced the lines digitally in the second photo. I'm assuming it's the grid method, but its strange that the pattern isn't even. I can't help but wonder who owned this card and what their life was like. Were they an art student in college? Male or Female? How did their recreation of this card turn out? etc.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Moonshine Postcard


Recently saw a similar postcard at an antique mall, pretty sure that it was a series with the same character. The company that printed the postcard was the Midwest Map Company (MWM). Which operated from 1930-1980, and eventually merged with Dexter Press to become MWM Dexter. According to the Dexter Solutions' website, MWM Dexter was consolidated and merged with them around 2010.

Post mark: 
July 21, 1950 
9 am
Lovington, New Mexico


Dear June,
Well hi! How's San Angelo? I'm just having loads of fun. I've been at the ranch most all week. Well be sweet. I'll be seein' ya!

Love ya,

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Valentines From Grandma

Its way past valentines day, but still something sweet to share. I can't remember where I got this card, but it is defiantly one of my favorites.


February 14th, 1920

To Martha from Grandma with love. This is an old card that I have kept for many years. I think it is pretty. So I am sending it to you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Disney Postcard: Huey, Dewey, Louie

Postmark: September 28th, 1981
Hi, ho--

Went to Disney yesterday. Weather's been great (upper 80s) and lots and lots of beautiful sunshine! Jim's played golf a couple of times -- I went and walked the course. He thinks he is going to get me playing hehe wouldn't I be cute. Actually, I think it's his way of getting a cheap caddy. Well, we're getting ready to go for a bike ride, then swimming. So Ill give you a call when I get back probably sun. Hope things work out so you can go up to Chicago.


P.s. Jim says hi!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

New Years Postcards

I got this postcard at the postcard convention during mid 2018, I picked it randomly and oddly enough this card was sent out during new years 1989.


Dear Audrey,
Just wanted to say thank you from the heart. God bless you with all his love in the new year.
Love you,

P.S. The book is by Clyde Edgerton (?) Walking across Egypt. It is great!

Link to information on the book she mentioned

Monday, March 26, 2018

Princess Diana Postcard

Hello everyone! I went to an antique postcard show a week ago and bought a ton of vintage postcards. This isn't normally the type of card I would go for, but the beautiful stamps on the back are what sold me.


Hi, guys --
Survived yesterday under a lowering gray sky (doesn't  the sun ever shine in this country?) and am trying to decide which to hit first on Monday; Stanley Gibbons or the Imperial War Museum. Of course, if I go to SG I probably won't have enough money left to get into the IWM, so it looks like it's the museum first. Stay safe and I'll see you in a week. Grant 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Memorial Hospital Card

Another vintage postcard, I bought it two years ago on my birthday. Its a bit hard for me to read, and I really can only make out the first two lines and every other word for the rest of it. If you have better luck than me let me know!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Donkey Postcard

A sweet little card I picked up at a antique shop for just a dollar. The message is sweet but sad, and I wish I could give this lady a hug and some company like she seemed to long for. The card is textured and raised in a few places which is probably why Pauline wrote on the front. No address or other writings on the back so I can't do any background research on who she was or who she sent it to.


From Aunt Pauline

Madge dear how would you like to have this little donkey? I wish I had you out here with me. You would be so much company for me.