Monday, March 26, 2018

Princess Diana Postcard

Hello everyone! I went to an antique postcard show a week ago and bought a ton of vintage postcards. This isn't normally the type of card I would go for, but the beautiful stamps on the back are what sold me.


Hi, guys --
Survived yesterday under a lowering gray sky (doesn't  the sun ever shine in this country?) and am trying to decide which to hit first on Monday; Stanley Gibbons or the Imperial War Museum. Of course, if I go to SG I probably won't have enough money left to get into the IWM, so it looks like it's the museum first. Stay safe and I'll see you in a week. Grant 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Memorial Hospital Card

Another vintage postcard, I bought it two years ago on my birthday. Its a bit hard for me to read, and I really can only make out the first two lines and every other word for the rest of it. If you have better luck than me let me know!